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Your Ultimate Guide to Lawn Irrigation Systems

August 31, 2022

Lawn irrigation services can create a low-maintenance lawn for you. Lawn irrigation systems are largely offered in two different categories: a high-flow rate system or a low-flow rate system. In both cases, the right lawn irrigation services can install a system that's going to reduce your water usage, save you money, and keep your lawn looking great. Here's what you need to know about lawn irrigation systems before you install one.

How Can I Save Water?

There's an astounding amount of water that you can save with a home irrigation system. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, you can reduce your water usage by about 15% or about 7,600 gallons of water every year. That adds up to about 480 showers in savings. A well-maintained irrigation system will curtail your water use and your water waste. Of course, this can save you money and time and is much better for the planet. Irrigation systems are a great way to reduce the amount of maintenance that needs to be done as well.

What Are the Types of Lawn Irrigation Systems?

Subsurface Systems

As the name implies, subsurface systems are irrigation systems that are buried in the ground. The water is delivered directly to the roots of the plants. Typically, this system isn't recommended by
lawn irrigation services when managing to water your lawn. The system usually uses a low-flow system to slowly drip water to the plant's roots.

Local Irrigation

This type of irrigation is highly focused on specific sections of the lawn and landscaping. This is the most common of the lawn irrigation options. It can be both a high-flow or low-flow system model. This is an above-ground system and a below-ground system. The sprinkler heads are above ground while the piping is below ground.

Ask an Expert

The right lawn irrigation services can provide you with a range of options to meet your irrigation needs, from drip irrigation systems for your plants to high-impact sprinkler systems that manage fields. Ask your local specialist about your options and let them help you decide which system will be best to accomplish your home irrigation needs.

Choose a trusted company that has a reputation for delivering excellent results. Call Pride Home Services Inc today to learn more about your home irrigation options, costs, and how it can help improve your landscaping.

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